Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: People I (Mostly) Admire

Episode: The Price of Doing Business With John List | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 94

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Essays in positive economics Cover

Essays in positive economics

by Milton Friedman

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"When you look at Friedman's work on say the 53 positive economics book, he says economists must rely on evidence gleaned from the experiments that happen to occur."
Economics, an introductory analysis Cover

Economics, an introductory analysis

by Paul Anthony Samuelson, Nordhaus, William D., William D. Nordhaus

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"The first book I used was in 1985. It was by Samuelson and Nordhaus."
The economics of discrimination Cover

The economics of discrimination

by Gary Stanley Becker

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"On the one hand is what Gary Becker wrote about in his dissertation in 1957, which is people just get satisfaction out of hurting another person in a different group—that's one kind of theory."