Podcasts that mention ๐Ÿ“š The economics of discrimination by Gary Stanley Becker

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The economics of discrimination

by Gary Stanley Becker

Mentioned 1 times in 1 episodes across 1 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention The economics of discrimination by Gary Stanley Becker

People I (Mostly) Admire

People I (Mostly) Admire episodes that mention The economics of discrimination by Gary Stanley Becker

Episode: The Price of Doing Business With John List | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 94

Published on January 18, 2023

On the one hand is what Gary Becker wrote about in his dissertation in 1957, which is people just get satisfaction out of hurting another person in a different groupโ€”that's one kind of theory.

In this segment, John List discusses Gary Becker's dissertation from 1957, highlighting one of the economic models that explains discrimination based on an individual's satisfaction derived from harming others in different groups.

โ–บ Watch this excerpt @ 00:19:46

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