πŸ“š 4 Books mentioned in "Mel Robbins ON: If You STRUGGLE With Stress & Anxiety, This Will CHANGE Your Life! | Jay Shetty" of On Purpose with Jay Shetty

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Podcast: On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Episode: Mel Robbins ON: If You STRUGGLE With Stress & Anxiety, This Will CHANGE Your Life! | Jay Shetty

Published on January 16, 2023

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!



by Mel Robbins

Buy THE 5 SECOND RULE by Mel Robbins on Amazon

Mel is a New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, and her work includes "The High Five Habit," "The 5 Second Rule," and "The Mel Robbins Podcast," which is the one that you have to subscribe to.

In the podcast, host Jay Shetty introduces Mel Robbins, highlighting her as a New York Times bestselling author, and mentions her book 'The 5 Second Rule' alongside other notable works.

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by Mel Robbins

Buy THE 5 SECOND RULE by Mel Robbins on Amazon

You know, I'll tell you some insane story: so here I am, crazy successful in the audiobook world; the most successful self-published audiobook in the history of audiobooks is 'The 5-Second Rule' that leads to a seven-book Audible original deal with Audible because of the success of that.

In this episode, Mel Robbins shares an incredible story about her success in the audiobook world, highlighting her book 'The 5-Second Rule'. She discusses how this book became the most successful self-published audiobook, which subsequently led to a seven-book deal with Audible.

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The Power of Now Cover

The Power of Now

by Eckhart Tolle

Buy The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle on Amazon

It's almost like that moment where Eckhart Tolle is on the bench in the beginning of "The Power of Now," where I have this profound experience where I think, 'Wait a minute!','Is this what happiness is?

Mel Robbins mentions the book 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle while discussing her realization of happiness. She reflects on a particular moment described in the book that encapsulates her understanding of what happiness truly means.

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Think Like A Monk Cover

Think Like A Monk

by Jay Shetty

Buy Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty on Amazon

I'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book, 'Think Like a Monk,' from thinklikeamonkbook.com. Check the description below to make sure you order today.

In the podcast, host Jay Shetty excitedly informs listeners that his book, 'Think Like a Monk,' is available for purchase on the website thinklikeamonkbook.com. He encourages everyone to check the description for details on how to order.

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