📚 6 Books mentioned in "Build A Mind That’s Wired For Health & Happiness - Dr Andrew Huberman (4K)" of Modern Wisdom

Modern Wisdom

Podcast: Modern Wisdom

Episode: Build A Mind That’s Wired For Health & Happiness - Dr Andrew Huberman (4K)

Published on October 30, 2023

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Behave Cover


by Robert M. Sapolsky

Buy Behave by Robert M. Sapolsky on Amazon

You mentioned Sapolsky; I had him on the show recently. What do you think most people misunderstand about stress? Obviously, he's contributed an awful lot to this, and you've thought about this too.

In this segment, Chris Williamson refers to Robert Sapolsky, a previous guest on the podcast, as they delve into common misconceptions about stress, highlighting Sapolsky's significant contributions to the topic.

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Forever Strong Cover

Forever Strong

by Gabrielle Lyon

Buy Forever Strong by Gabrielle Lyon on Amazon

But talk to me about what would be happening to the brain of somebody like Tom who pivots from being maybe 40 pounds overweight, I don't know how big he got at his biggest, but lost a good bit of weight and it wasn't just losing weight, it was then gaining muscle. So Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's work, like muscle-centric medicine.

In this segment, Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses the work of Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, particularly her focus on muscle-centric medicine, while analyzing the cognitive benefits of muscle gain and the overall impact of physical transformation.

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Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies Cover

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

by Jared Diamond

Buy Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond on Amazon

This book was written by my colleagues at Stanford, Sandra Khan and Paul Ehrlich, and it has an introduction by Jared Diamond, who won a Pulitzer for 'Guns, Germs, and Steel,' and a foreword by the great Robert Sapolsky, also a colleague of mine at Stanford.

In this segment, Dr. Andrew Huberman references the book 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' by Jared Diamond, highlighting its significance in establishing the credibility of the book 'Jaws' that he discusses.

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Jaws Cover


by Sandra Kahn, Paul R. Ehrlich

Buy Jaws by Sandra Kahn, Paul R. Ehrlich on Amazon

I arrived carrying a copy of the book 'Jaws: A Hidden Epidemic.' This is not 'Jaws' the shark.

Dr. Andrew Huberman references the book 'Jaws: A Hidden Epidemic' at the beginning of the podcast episode to discuss its core concepts about mouth breathing and facial structure.

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Mindset Cover


by Carol S. Dweck

Buy Mindset by Carol S. Dweck on Amazon

Then my colleague Carol Dweck, also in the Psychology Department at Stanford, most famously known for her work on mindset, did an experiment in which she essentially asked whether or not tenacity and willpower are limited as a sort of resource and also whether or not they’re linked to glucose availability, fuel, in the brain and body.

Dr. Andrew Huberman refers to his colleague Carol Dweck and her influential book, "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," to discuss how mindset affects our understanding of willpower as either a limited or unlimited resource.

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The War of Art Cover

The War of Art

by Steven Pressfield

Buy The War of Art by Steven Pressfield on Amazon

Those harder tasks where you have to breach some barrier, some resistance to put it into, you know, Steven Pressfield language, or our friend David Goggins, right? You know, this idea that one has to callous the mind.

In this segment, Chris Williamson discusses the concept of 'resistance' as articulated by Steven Pressfield, highlighting the challenges one must overcome to achieve significant goals. He uses this framework to delve into the nuances of handling difficult tasks.

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