πŸ“š 2 Books mentioned in "The Third Man Factor, Chapter Two: The Science and The Spirit | STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW" of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Podcast: Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Episode: The Third Man Factor, Chapter Two: The Science and The Spirit | STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW

Published on December 16, 2024

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

The Invisibles Cover

The Invisibles

by Grant Morrison

Buy The Invisibles by Grant Morrison on Amazon

Yeah, it's written by one of our favorite graphic novel authors, Grant Morrison, that Ben, you got me into with The Invisibles when I was just a wee kid, so thank you for that.

In this segment, podcast host Jo recalls how fellow host Ben introduced him to the graphic novel series 'The Invisibles' by Grant Morrison when he was a child, expressing gratitude for the discovery.

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The Nameless Cover

The Nameless

by Ramsey Campbell

Buy The Nameless by Ramsey Campbell on Amazon

Oh yeah, and guys, in the time between these two episodes, I mentioned just off air that I was reading that book, The Nameless.

In this brief mention, the podcast host shares that during the break between episodes, he was reading a book called 'The Nameless'.

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