πŸ“š 3 Books mentioned in "The Eternal Shadow: Serial Killers Throughout Ancient History | STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW" of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Podcast: Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Episode: The Eternal Shadow: Serial Killers Throughout Ancient History | STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW

Published on September 25, 2024

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Records of the Grand Historian Cover

Records of the Grand Historian

by Qian Sima

Buy Records of the Grand Historian by Qian Sima on Amazon

So he is very, very well-connected, according to a book called Records of the Grand Historian; this guy was a monster!

The podcast hosts mention the book 'Records of the Grand Historian' as a source that provides insight into a historical figure, referring specifically to Le Pingley, who is described as a notorious character.

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Sons of Cain Cover

Sons of Cain

by Peter Vronsky

Buy Sons of Cain by Peter Vronsky on Amazon

He believes that when there's economic downturn, especially on a wide scale, in any region or globally even or just in a town, the probability of creating a future serial killer who is going through this, uh, the economic downturn, all the realities that you face when that's happening, he believes that you increase the probability of creating serial killers, and in his opinion, he wrote a book called Sons of Cain, and in it, he describes how because of the financial crisis from 2007 to 2008, we are actually creating a new generation of serial killers, or we have generated essentially a new, uh, season of serial killers that will emerge 10, 20 years from now, and he believes that that economic downturn, at least in some way, helped to create those serial killers.

The hosts discuss Peter Vronsky, referencing a prior 'Zodiac Killer' episode. Vronsky argues that the economic crash of 2008 may lead to a rise in serial killers, a theory he outlines in his book 'Sons of Cain'. He explains that economic downturns can increase the probability of generating future serial killers.

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The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England Cover

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England

by Carol F. Karlsen

Buy The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England by Carol F. Karlsen on Amazon

There's a fantastic book called, uh, Devil in the Shape of a Woman that looks at this practice in the Salem Witch Trials.

The podcast hosts mention a book titled 'Devil in the Shape of a Woman' to provide context on how historical accounts can be skewed, often relating to the Salem Witch Trials. They use this specific book as evidence of a recurring theme in history.

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