Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: People I (Mostly) Admire

Episode: Rick Rubin on How to Make Something Great | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 103

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"His new book is entitled The Creative Act: A Way of Being, and it's not at all the book you might expect from someone in the music industry. It's a book about..."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"But before we get into the book, I'm hoping he'll explain to me how a white college student in the early 1980s became foundational to the development of hip-hop."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"I have to confess I know very little about the music industry, and it never would have occurred to me to invite you on the show, but as we were brainstorming potential guests, someone in the meeting noted that Rick Rubin's got a new book out, and he's legendary."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"I picked up a copy of your book knowing literally nothing about it, and I was honestly shocked."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"This book isn't a memoir or an expose; it's a book of philosophy, a meditation, and it spoke deeply to me from the very first pages."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"I gotta say, I rarely have been so surprised by a book in such a positive way."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"Before we talk about the book, can I ask you an embarrassing question?"
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"The big part of what the book's about is that the artist's work is to live in the world in a way where you notice the things that no one else notices."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"Reading your book, I suddenly stopped in my tracks."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"But somewhere towards the end of your book, I broke out in this big smile, and I thought, 'Maybe I am an artist.'"
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"You have an interesting point in the book about being like a spectator to your own failures."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"There was a lot in Rick Rubin's book that spoke to me."
Creative Act Cover

Creative Act

by Rick Rubin

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"But if there's one big message, one that I would love for you to carry away, it's something early in the book."