Podcast: Behind the Bastards
Episode: Part Four: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.
Notes on the state of Virginia
Buy on Amazon"So back during his years in France, when he had written Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson had written at length his belief that black people were not mentally capable of being free."
Notes on the state of Virginia
Buy on Amazon"But a few years earlier, right after he'd finished Notes on the State of Virginia, he sold one of the women he owned to a white man with the understanding that she would be freed by him and they would live as husband and wife."
Notes on the state of Virginia
Buy on Amazon"And Jefferson, in Notes on the State of Virginia, which is again him trying to defend the United States to France, writes about how these are one of the worst parts of this really cruel, hideous system."
Far From the Madding Crowd
Buy on Amazon"In his farm book, Jefferson writes this to describe the standard plan for the children born into his property: Quote, 'Children till 10 years old to serve as nurses; from 10 to 16 the boys make nails, the girls spin, and at 16 go into the ground or learn trades.'"
Dear Benjamin Banneker
Buy on Amazon"Now, Banneker was an early mathematician, and he was in fact so able at mathematics that by the late 1700s he had a popular almanac that Jefferson and many other Americans used."