Notes on the state of Virginia
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Part Four: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsSo back during his years in France, when he had written Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson had written at length his belief that black people were not mentally capable of being free.
- Episode: Part Four: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsBut a few years earlier, right after he'd finished Notes on the State of Virginia, he sold one of the women he owned to a white man with the understanding that she would be freed by him and they would live as husband and wife.
- Episode: Part Four: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsAnd Jefferson, in Notes on the State of Virginia, which is again him trying to defend the United States to France, writes about how these are one of the worst parts of this really cruel, hideous system.
- Episode: Part Three: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsNo, at all. Yeah. Malone goes on to quote another line from Notes on the State of Virginia, which he describes as perhaps the most erudite summary of the evil of slavery: And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God, that they are not to be violated, but with his wrath?
- Episode: Part Two: Thomas Jefferson: King of Hypocrites | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsJefferson headed out in a place called Poles Forest and did what he was good at, he wrote; the work he did on the run would later make up his only published book, Notes on the State of Virginia. And if you are a poli-sci student, you just shuddered a little bit; you had to read this son of a [__] in college.