Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
Episode: Meaning Through Responsibility | The Heritage Foundation & Dr. Kevin Roberts | EP 397
Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.
The Wealth of Nations
Buy on Amazon"It was the monks of Salaka in the 1200s who first came up with this concept and even Adam Smith himself, I think, would be very comfortable in this exchange that you and I are having about the lack of primacy of the free market as it relates to human goods."
Atlas Shrugged
Buy on Amazon"I've just been rereading Atlas Shrugged, which I do oddly enough about every 15 years, and I figured out one of the core problems with her doctrine; it might be the core problem."
Atlas Shrugged
Buy on Amazon"Rereading Atlas Shrugged four or five years ago ironically is what made me realize my own deficiencies in thought about the free market and a couple of other shibboleths of the right, which is to say that so many very thoughtful men and women who are devotees of Rand make the mistake that she's making, and they haven't thought through the consequences of that as it relates, for example, to regulatory capture."