Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"He is the foremost brain coach, an incredible author, and an amazing podcaster. My dear friend, Jim Kwik, the author of 'Limitless.'"
Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"My dear friend, Jim Kwik, the author of 'Limitless.' If you don't have this book, it's a phenomenal read, and I highly recommend it."
Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"When I hear those kinds of limitations, especially since we’re discussing 'Limitless' and limitations, my mind goes to how these restrictions often come from the fact that something hasn't been done before."
Think Like A Monk Cover

Think Like A Monk

by Jay Shetty

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"Somebody has decades of experience, like you do, you put into a book, 'Think Like a Monk,' and somebody can sit down a few days and read that book; they could download decades in days."
Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"Also, it's such a phenomenal framework; it's such a fantastic framework, and I know it's in the book 'Limitless.'"
Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"And uh, I want to make sure that everyone goes out and grabs a copy, if you don't already, of 'Limitless' by Jim Quick."
Limitless Cover


by Jim Kwik

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"The 3M model is in this book and broken down step by step, as you saw and heard."
Think Like A Monk Cover

Think Like A Monk

by Jay Shetty

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"I'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book 'Think Like a Monk' from Check below in the description to make sure you order today."