Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Episode: How To UNLEASH Your Super Brain To NEVER BE LAZY Again! | Jim Kwik & Jay Shetty

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

The Power of Positive Thinking Cover

The Power of Positive Thinking

by Norman Vincent Peale

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"I looked at these titles—classics, incredible biographies of men and women in history, personal growth books like Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking and Dale Carnegie’s works."
Relentless Cover


by Tim Grover, Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk

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"We've all read that book, 'Good to Great,' that says, 'Say no to good so you can say yes to great.' A lot of people have too many tabs open in their life—they keep saying 'yes, yes, yes.'"
The Four Agreements Cover

The Four Agreements

by Don Miguel Ruiz

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"We also had Domingo, who, as you know, is from 'The Four Agreements.' I mean, the founder was all there, and I just like Quincy comes up, and he’s 85 years old."
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Cover

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

by Thomas S. Kuhn

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"With Elon, I read this book called 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.' Not only does reading fiction enhance creativity and imagination, but it also develops empathy."
Ender's Game Cover

Ender's Game

by Orson Scott Card

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"We bonded over 'Ender's Game' and various great sci-fi books, and we discussed 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.'"