Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Jordan Harbinger Show

Episode: Hostage Negotiator on Winning Life or Death Deals | Scott Walker

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

The Night Before Christmas Cover

The Night Before Christmas

by Clement Clarke Moore

Buy on Amazon
"Because you're being kidnapped in Syria, but that's not as surprising as some of the stuff that I was reading in your book where it's somebody in London getting kidnapped."
Faerie queene Cover

Faerie queene

by Edmund Spenser

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"In the book, you describe validating the criminal or validating the target's model of the world. What does that mean exactly?"
Faerie queene Cover

Faerie queene

by Edmund Spenser

Buy on Amazon
"Absolutely, yeah. And I always say that in the book; I write about that."