7 Books mentioned in "Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life" of Huberman Lab
Podcast: Huberman Lab
Episode: Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life
Published on May 13, 2024
Hereโs a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!
Creating a Life
Buy Creating a Life by James Hollis on Amazon
Some of the notable titles and topics of those books include 'Creating a Life,' 'Finding Your Individual Path,' as well as 'The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other,' which, as the name suggests, is about relationships.
In this episode, Andrew Huberman highlights 'Creating a Life' as one of the notable works by James Hollis, which leads into a broader discussion about personal growth and relationships.
Creating a Life
Buy Creating a Life by James Hollis on Amazon
Some of the notable titles and topics of those books include 'Creating a Life,' 'Finding Your Individual Path,' as well as 'The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other,' which, as the name suggests, is about relationships.
In this episode, Andrew Huberman discusses notable books by James Hollis, highlighting titles such as 'Finding Your Individual Path' and 'Creating a Life.' These works delve into personal development and the exploration of relationships.
Living Between Worlds
Buy Living Between Worlds by James Hollis, Ph.D. on Amazon
He has also written about how to access our most resilient self in the book entitled 'Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times.'
In this segment, the host discusses how James Hollis explores the concept of personal resilience in his book 'Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times,' emphasizing the importance of accessing our most resilient selves.
Swamplands of the Soul
Buy Swamplands of the Soul by James Hollis on Amazon
I also wrote a book called 'Swamplands of the Soul' that deals with anxiety, depression, loss, betrayal, etc.
In this segment, James Hollis discusses his book 'Swamplands of the Soul,' which explores themes of anxiety, depression, loss, and betrayal, providing insight into how these emotions are intertwined.
The Eden Project
Buy The Eden Project by James Hollis on Amazon
Some of the notable titles and topics of those books include 'Creating a Life,' 'Finding Your Individual Path,' as well as 'The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other,' which, as the name suggests, is about relationships.
In this segment, the podcast host, Andrew Huberman, highlights 'The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other' as one of the notable books by James Hollis, emphasizing its exploration of relationships.
The Eden Project
Buy The Eden Project by James Hollis on Amazon
First of all, in the Eden Project, a book I wrote on relationships, subtitled The Search for the Magical Other, there is inside of us this infantile and understandable desire to find the right person who's going to make our life work for us, who's going to take care of us, meet our needs, read our minds, etc., etc.
In his discussion, James Hollis refers to his book 'The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other' to illustrate the common tendency of individuals to seek out a perfect partner to fulfill their needs and desires in relationships.
Under Saturn's Shadow
Buy Under Saturn's Shadow by James Hollis on Amazon
And so that's what led to the writing of the book 'Under Saturn's Shadow.' And I suggested a number of those secrets.
James Hollis discusses his book 'Under Saturn's Shadow,' which emerged from his reflections on the secret fears and inhibitions experienced by men.