Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Daily Stoic

Episode: CrossFit Athlete Brooke Wells on Reaching Your Potential

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Can't Hurt Me Cover

Can't Hurt Me

by David Goggins

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"What have been some books that hit you particularly hard? I think one of the first books that I read was "Can't Hurt Me," and so that one was super intense. Just kind of like when I was in the gym struggling, I'd remember that he would run like a hundred miles on broken feet and stuff."
The Obstacle Is the Way Cover

The Obstacle Is the Way

by Ryan Holiday

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"And then I read, "Your Obstacles Away." That was a really good one. Let's see, "Atomic Habits.""
Atomic Habits Cover

Atomic Habits

by James Clear

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"Let's see, "Atomic Habits." I'm currently reading "The Slight Edge." I haven't heard of that."
The Slight Edge Cover

The Slight Edge

by Jeff Olson

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"Let's see, "Atomic Habits." I'm currently reading "The Slight Edge." I haven't heard of that."
Everything Happens for a Reason Cover

Everything Happens for a Reason

by Kate Bowler

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"Her book is titled 'Everything Happens for a Reason,' with a subtitle along the lines of 'Things You Should Never Say to Someone with Cancer.' There's no value in wasting time feeling upset—such negativity is wasted energy."
The War of Art Cover

The War of Art

by Steven Pressfield

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"There's a line in one of Steven Pressfield's books that I love; have you ever read his stuff? No, I haven't, but you would love The War of Art or his novel Gates of Fire—that's amazing. In one of them, a philosopher is talking to Alexander the Great, and Alexander says, 'I have conquered the world; what have you ever done?'"
The War of Art Cover

The War of Art

by Steven Pressfield

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"No, I haven't, but you would love The War of Art or his novel Gates of Fire—that's amazing. In one of them, a philosopher is talking to Alexander the Great, and Alexander says, 'I have conquered the world; what have you ever done?'"
Gates of Fire Cover

Gates of Fire

by Steven Pressfield

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"No, I haven't, but you would love The War of Art or his novel Gates of Fire—that's amazing. In one of them, a philosopher is talking to Alexander the Great, and Alexander says, 'I have conquered the world; what have you ever done?'"