πŸ“š 3 Books mentioned in "Can The DailyWire Destroy Mainstream Media? - Jeremy Boreing" of Modern Wisdom

Modern Wisdom

Podcast: Modern Wisdom

Episode: Can The DailyWire Destroy Mainstream Media? - Jeremy Boreing

Published on December 9, 2023

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

The 4-Hour Work Week Cover

The 4-Hour Work Week

by Timothy Ferriss

Buy The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss on Amazon

And when I say reading, I mean Michael would read two books a week, and the two books weren't like 'The 4-Hour Workweek' or anything like that, you know?

In this episode of Modern Wisdom, Jeremy Boreing discusses Michael Knowles' extensive reading habits and mentions that many of the books he reads are not like 'The 4-Hour Workweek', which is a notable title.

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The War of Art Cover

The War of Art

by Steven Pressfield

Buy The War of Art by Steven Pressfield on Amazon

I'd read Steven Pressfield's 'The War of Art' and then 'Turning Pro,' and I thought, 'Wow, imagine what would happen if you treated the pursuit of my chosen career, which is podcasting, like an athlete.'

In this episode, Chris Williamson discusses his experience reading 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield, along with another of Pressfield's works, while reflecting on how treating the pursuit of his career in podcasting could be akin to an athlete's dedication.

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We Who Wrestle with God Cover

We Who Wrestle with God

by Jordan B. Peterson

Buy We Who Wrestle with God by Jordan B. Peterson on Amazon

Jordan moved on; he’s now focusing on projects with Ark, thinking about God, working on his new book, We Who Wrestle with God.

In this segment, Chris Williamson discusses how Jordan Peterson has shifted his focus towards new projects, including his upcoming book titled 'We Who Wrestle with God', reflecting his contemplation on God and his current endeavors.

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