Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Daily Stoic

Episode: Ali Abdaal On Stoic Productivity Secrets And Overcoming Procrastination

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Show Your Work! Cover

Show Your Work!

by Austin Kleon

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"I was saying to you in that interview that, hey Ryan, you know I've just started writing my first book, any tips? You gave some really good advice."
The Obstacle Is the Way Cover

The Obstacle Is the Way

by Ryan Holiday

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"Well, you asked me about self-publishing earlier; I experienced this unintentionally and intentionally when The Obstacle is the Way came out. Uh, I’d already sold the sequel and so in one respect that probably cost me a lot of money because The Obstacle is the Way did, over the next year or two, start to do really well."
Ego Is the Enemy Cover

Ego Is the Enemy

by Ryan Holiday

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"So if I’d waited, I probably could have sold what became Ego is the Enemy for a lot more money; a lot more money. But I was... But I’d actually sold like a proposal version of it while I was still figuring the book out."
Atomic Habits Cover

Atomic Habits

by James Clear

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"But first off, I like James; second, I think he's a great writer, and I think Atomic Habits is actually a very good book. And third, I don't know how many I'm counting now, but whatever—there's no universe in which that book selling more or less copies affects my life in any negative or positive way."
Designing Your Life Cover

Designing Your Life

by Bill Burnett, Dave Evans

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"The most helpful exercise I've ever found for this is something called The Odyssey Plan from the book Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and another guy who are Stanford professors. Basically, the idea is that you imagine your life three to five years in the future if you continued down your current path, and you write out what that would look like."