πŸ“š 1 Books mentioned in "3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Therapy & Why Everyone Needs It... | Jay Shetty" of On Purpose with Jay Shetty

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Podcast: On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Episode: 3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Therapy & Why Everyone Needs It... | Jay Shetty

Published on December 30, 2022

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Think Like A Monk Cover

Think Like A Monk

by Jay Shetty

Buy Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty on Amazon

I’m also excited to let you know that you can now get my book, Think Like a Monk, at thinklikeamonkbook.com. Check below in the description to ensure you order today.

Jay Shetty, the host of the podcast, promotes his book 'Think Like a Monk' to the audience, directing them to a website where they can purchase it.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt