Podcasts that mention ๐Ÿ“š War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi

War and Peace Cover

War and Peace

by Leo Tolstoi

Mentioned 2 times in 2 episodes across 2 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi

Modern Wisdom

Modern Wisdom episodes that mention War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi

Episode: The Untold Story Of Englandโ€™s Greatest King - Dan Jones

Published on October 17, 2024

I slowly read 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina.' They're constructed so you can read them piecemeal over a long time.

In the podcast, guest Dan Jones shares his experiences of reading 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina' by Leo Tolstoy, describing the enjoyment of taking his time with these classic works.

โ–บ Watch this excerpt @ 02:02:30

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The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic episodes that mention War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi

Episode: Thomas Chatterton Williams on Practical Philosophy and Embracing Contradiction

Published on September 20, 2022

You know, when you immerse yourself in War and Peace or something like that, it requires hours and hours of investment before you start to feel this world that Tolstoy conjured up around you out of sheer language.

Thomas Chatterton Williams discusses the transformative power of reading by highlighting 'War and Peace' as an example of a book that demands a considerable investment of time to fully appreciate its depth and the world created by Tolstoy.

โ–บ Watch this excerpt @ 00:03:41

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If youโ€™d like to explore more in War and Peace, you can purchase it here:

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