Podcasts that mention π Im Westen nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque

Im Westen nichts Neues
Mentioned 1 times in 1 episodes across 1 podcasts.
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Podcasts that mention Im Westen nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast episodes that mention Im Westen nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque
Episode: Plagiarized by Harvard's President | Dr. Carol Swain | EP 467
Published on July 29, 2024
I actually think there's a rule there; look at what happens in The Book of Job. Job is in a situation where he loses virtually everything, plus he becomes extremely ill, to the point where his wife says there's nothing left for you to do but shake your fist at God and die, and Job refuses to lose faith in himself.
Dr. Peterson references 'The Book of Job' to illustrate a point about how suffering and perseverance can lead to greater success, drawing parallels with Dr. Swain's current situation.
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