Be Useful
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: 122. Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Some Advice for You | People I (Mostly) Admire
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireI remember Ted Turner would always say, 'Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.' In my book, I say, 'You know, advertise, sell, sell, sell.'
- Episode: 122. Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Some Advice for You | People I (Mostly) Admire
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireSo rule number two of your new book is 'Never Think Small,' and I'm holding your book and looking at it right now. I love how you start that chapter; it says, 'By the end of 1987, I'd killed 283 people, more than anyone else in Hollywood during that time, by far.'
- Episode: 122. Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Some Advice for You | People I (Mostly) Admire
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireThat's why I said in my book, 'Don't listen to the naysayers,' because I realized very quickly anytime you have a vision that is very much out there, people say, 'This is impossible; this can't be done.'
- Episode: Arnold Schwarzenegger | SmartLess
Podcast: SmartLessThank you for taking the time to talk to us and for all your success, including your amazing book, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life.
- Episode: Arnold Schwarzenegger On Finding Ways To Be Useful
Podcast: The Daily StoicIn your book, you highlighted how many people enter the gym with the goal of getting in shape, but there’s often a lack of specificity around that. Still, I worked hard, and although it seems trivial now, that was my motivation, and it drove me to train every day.
- Episode: Arnold Schwarzenegger On Finding Ways To Be Useful
Podcast: The Daily StoicThat’s a key reason I wrote 'Be Useful': to inspire people to pursue success and achievement without a specific blueprint.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyI love that you start the book with that rule: have a clear vision.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyThis is why in the book one of the things I talk about is to work your ass off because every single time when I had a vision about anything, I had to work my ass off, but it was pleasure.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAnd we're talking about one of the other rules in my book, which is to shoot for big goals.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyI never believed in Plan B because I felt like one of the rules I have in my book is to never listen to naysayers.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyBut because of being governor, it's like the thing I talk about in the book about Hillary climbing Mount Everest.
- Episode: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER On How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyNow, everyone listening or watching—the book is called Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life, and you can grab it right now.