Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Megyn Kelly Show

Episode: Trump as "Pop Culture President," and Female "Rage Ritual Retreats," with Alex Clark and Mary Morgan

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

It's a Book! Cover

It's a Book!

by Lane Smith

Buy on Amazon
"And now he is making the media rounds because he's promoting a book in which he makes clear Trump is terrible Um, that he was aware of it, he was a witness to it, it did happen and he believes there is tape of it Though he doesn't know who has it or doesn't believe it'll actually ever come out So let me just first show you what the Biden Harris campaign posted on TikTok"
Apprentice in Wonderland Cover

Apprentice in Wonderland

by Ramin Setoodeh

Buy on Amazon
"You know, later today we have an interview with um, the editor-in-chief of Variety, Ramin Setoodeh, who's spent tons of time with Trump This is Trump who cooperated with him and has got a new book out about Trump including these years and we're going to get into all of it It's going to be fascinating I've known this guy for a while, so I can't wait to talk to him about it and see you know what he learned"