Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Daily Stoic

Episode: Theodore Roosevelt's Great-Great Grandson Kermit Roosevelt III On The Collapse Of Honor

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Cover

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

by Edmund Morris

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"We did have a bunch of books about Theodore Roosevelt lying around, probably more than the ordinary family did, so I read those because I just read every book in the house when I was growing up."
Edith Kermit Roosevelt Cover

Edith Kermit Roosevelt

by Sylvia Morris

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"That's the letter I was telling you about why I was so struck by it; I wrote about it in my courage book."
The Myth of Judicial Activism Cover

The Myth of Judicial Activism

by Kermit Roosevelt

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"There’s a book called The Myth of Judicial Activism, which is about Supreme Court decisions trying to decide whether the Supreme Court is abusing its power."
Bury the Chains Cover

Bury the Chains

by Adam Hochschild

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"As he's riding away, Adam Hild writes about this in 'Bury the Chains', but he has this sort of Road to Damascus moment on the road."
A Fool's Errand, by One of the Fools Cover

A Fool's Errand, by One of the Fools

by Albion Winegar Tourgée

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"Have you read it's a novel from around that period called The Fool's Errand?"
All the King's Men Cover

All the King's Men

by Robert Penn Warren

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"Oh yeah, All the King's Men."
The Claim of Reason Cover

The Claim of Reason

by Stanley Cavell

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"Um, and I think actually Stanley Cavell, a Harvard philosopher, wrote something very much like that in 'The Claim of Reason', but I don't think that it went that far outside of academic circles."