Podcast: People I (Mostly) Admire
Episode: Suzanne Gluck: “I’m a Person Who Can Convince Other People to Do Things” | Episode 10
Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.
Buy on Amazon"Well, of late, one of the novels that I'm very proud of is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, which I assure you many people you know have read and loved."
The Yellow House
Buy on Amazon"This year at the National Book Awards, I was very excited because I had to duck and run between tables because Sarah Broom, who wrote the memoir The Yellow House, was up for a National Book Award as was my other client, Julia Phillips, who wrote Disappearing Earth, which she was up for fiction."
Disappearing Earth
Buy on Amazon"This year at the National Book Awards, I was very excited because I had to duck and run between tables because Sarah Broom, who wrote the memoir The Yellow House, was up for a National Book Award as was my other client, Julia Phillips, who wrote Disappearing Earth, which she was up for fiction."
She Said
Buy on Amazon"I think that for anybody who has daughters, you should make them read 'She Said,' which is Watergate for girls; it's the New York Times reporters writing about breaking the Harvey Weinstein story and the reluctance of women to come forward."
Buy on Amazon"So then we talked, and I have to say it took all of your persuasive powers not even to make a book like Freakonomics happen, but even to get Dubner and me to talk on the phone because I would say that we left that New York Times piece not particularly cordial because again I was super anti-social at the time and didn't really want to be written about."