Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Daily Stoic

Episode: Steven Pressfield on Overcoming Resistance and the Value of Discipline

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

The Obstacle Is the Way Cover

The Obstacle Is the Way

by Ryan Holiday

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"I remember I was working at American Apparel well after I'd written The Obstacle, come out."
Gates of Fire Cover

Gates of Fire

by Steven Pressfield

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"You know, and I think that where my attention goes when I'm really doing it right, like if I'm writing a book like Gates of Fire or something like that, my attention goes to that world that is being created kind of through me, but not by me in the moment, you know?"
Journal of a Novel Cover

Journal of a Novel

by John Steinbeck

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"There you recommended this John Steinbeck book to me, Journal of a Novel."
One Line a Day Cover

One Line a Day

by Line A Day

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"And well, it's so, it's called the one line a day journal, and each page has five slots on it."
The War of Art Cover

The War of Art

by Steven Pressfield

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"As always, I love all your work—'The War of Art,' 'The Artist's Journey,' 'Gates of Fire'—I've loved all your stuff."
The Artist's Journey Cover

The Artist's Journey

by Steven Pressfield

Buy on Amazon
"As always, I love all your work—'The War of Art,' 'The Artist's Journey,' 'Gates of Fire'—I've loved all your stuff."
Gates of Fire Cover

Gates of Fire

by Steven Pressfield

Buy on Amazon
"As always, I love all your work—'The War of Art,' 'The Artist's Journey,' 'Gates of Fire'—I've loved all your stuff."