πŸ“š 1 Books mentioned in "Selects: How Restaurant Health Inspections Work | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW" of Stuff You Should Know

Stuff You Should Know

Podcast: Stuff You Should Know

Episode: Selects: How Restaurant Health Inspections Work | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Published on July 1, 2024

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

The Jungle Cover

The Jungle

by Upton Sinclair

Buy The Jungle by Upton Sinclair on Amazon

Oh man, it was like Upton Sinclair's The Jungle right before my little 13-year-old eyes.

Podcast host Josh references Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' to illustrate the shocking and dreadful conditions he observed at a restaurant where he worked as a 13-year-old busboy.

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They're certainly not really old, because at least in the United States, it wasn't until that book you mentioned, The Jungle, was published in 1905 that people like really sat up and took notice, and Congress acted almost immediately and passed the Pure Food and Drug Act the next year.

In this segment, podcast host Josh mentions the book 'The Jungle', highlighting its significant impact on public awareness and legislative action, specifically the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act shortly after its release in 1905.

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That's the impact that Upton Sinclair's The Jungle had.

Podcast host Josh discusses the impact of Upton Sinclair's book 'The Jungle,' emphasizing its significant influence on the Pure Food and Drug Act.

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