πŸ“š 3 Books mentioned in "Part Four: The Terrible Secret of Steve Jobs | BEHIND THE BASTARDS" of Behind the Bastards

Behind the Bastards

Podcast: Behind the Bastards

Episode: Part Four: The Terrible Secret of Steve Jobs | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Published on March 15, 2024

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Infinite Loop Cover

Infinite Loop

by Meghan O'Brien

Buy Infinite Loop by Meghan O'Brien on Amazon

By that point, I had read 'Infinite Loop,' which was the first truly critical examination of Jobs.

The host talks about reading 'Infinite Loop,' which offers a critical analysis of Steve Jobs.

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Steve Jobs Cover

Steve Jobs

by Walter Isaacson

Buy Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson on Amazon

Isaacson writes, 'God gave us ten styluses,' he would say, waving his fingers. 'Let's not invent another.'

The hosts talk about Steve Jobs's well-known aversion to using a stylus for his devices, pointing out a quote attributed to Isaacson, who captured this aspect of Jobs's philosophy.

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The One Device Cover

The One Device

by Brian Merchant

Buy The One Device by Brian Merchant on Amazon

That's where Brian Merchant's 2016 history of the iPhone, 'The One Device,' comes in. Um, yeah, and it's a really interesting book, a really good book.

The hosts delve into the history of the iPhone and reference Brian Merchant's 2016 book, 'The One Device,' describing it as a fascinating and worthwhile read.

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