Podcast: People I (Mostly) Admire
Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.
Buy on Amazon"Leidy summarizes his research ideas in a new book called "Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less.""
Buy on Amazon"Now, being totally honest, when I first saw Leidy's book, I dismissed it as schlock—one of the hundreds of mediocre pop science books published every year."
Buy on Amazon"But my friend Sandal Mullainathan, who you might remember from two previous episodes of this podcast, said, "No, Leidy's book is different."
Buy on Amazon"So I gave" Subtract" a second chance and I realized, yes, there actually is something here."
Buy on Amazon"Now, you've written a book called "Subtract" and you've done a ton of academic research on the topic."
Buy on Amazon"I tell the story in the book, but he was basically sitting there thinking about how to lighten the drivetrain and then he's like, "What if I just take the whole thing away?""
Buy on Amazon"I also dislike many of the other examples in his book, but I give Leidy credit for good taste in this discussion."
Buy on Amazon"The one I use in my book is actually less lofty; it's more just about my own house."
Buy on Amazon"In a subtle way, the message I took away from your book is that don't let the fact that everybody else is additive trick you into being additive too."
Buy on Amazon"One of the examples I use in the book is San Francisco's Embarcadero Freeway."