Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: The Megyn Kelly Show

Episode: Incoming HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Deep Dive, Part 1 - on Fauci, Vaccines, and Big Pharma

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Limited Boxed Set: The Real Anthony Fauci Cover

Limited Boxed Set: The Real Anthony Fauci

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Buy on Amazon
"We discussed everything from his position on vaccines and censorship to the claims he makes in his latest book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.'"
The Wuhan Cover-Up Cover

The Wuhan Cover-Up

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Buy on Amazon
"Alright, back to the conversation, and I have another book about to come out called "Wuhan Coverup," which shows how Dr. Fouchy, along with others from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the CIA through USAID, was pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into developing pandemic superbugs that could cause pandemics, keeping them in areas where they knew they were certain to escape."