πŸ“š 1 Books mentioned in "Ex-Wall Street Investor on Insider Trading | Tom Hardin (aka Tipper X)" of The Jordan Harbinger Show

The Jordan Harbinger Show

Podcast: The Jordan Harbinger Show

Episode: Ex-Wall Street Investor on Insider Trading | Tom Hardin (aka Tipper X)

Published on January 6, 2024

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Thinking, Fast and Slow Cover

Thinking, Fast and Slow

by Daniel Kahneman

Buy Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman on Amazon

And um, yeah, I wasn't ready to go talk about it, or I didn't understand why I did what I did until I spoke at the FBI and they're like, "Go read this!" You know, Daniel Kahneman! He... he got a Nobel Prize about this stuff!

The guest references the work of Daniel Kahneman, specifically his book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow', which examines cognitive biases and helped him understand the psychology behind his actions.

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