๐ 3 Books mentioned in "Democrats ADMIT To Illegal Ballot Counting To STEAL PA Election w/Maureen Bannon | Timcast IRL" of Timcast IRL

Podcast: Timcast IRL
Episode: Democrats ADMIT To Illegal Ballot Counting To STEAL PA Election w/Maureen Bannon | Timcast IRL
Published on November 16, 2024
Hereโs a list of all the books mentioned in this episode. Click on the links to watch specific excerpts on YouTube and feel free to purchase the books if they caught your interest!

Area 51
Buy Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen, Annie Jacobsen on Amazon
I always like to say this, too, when talking about aliens: Annie Jacobson wrote this crazy book where she interviewed a guy from Area 51, some high-up guy. He said back in the 50s or 60s, I think it was the 60s, our government was taking severely autistic children and mutating them to look like extraterrestrials to scare the Soviets.
During the discussion, a 'crazy book' by Annie Jacobson is mentioned. It deals with controversial government experiments that allegedly involved altering autistic children to look like aliens as a Cold War deception tactic against the Soviets. The book in question is likely 'Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base.'

Buy Suicide by รmile Durkheim on Amazon
I think this is what Emil Durkheim wrote about in his book Suicide, where he talks about the concept of anomie, where people that experience the death of their worldview either learn to accept it or they don't accept it, and this is the result when you don't accept it.
During a discussion on Timcast IRL, the guest refers to Emil Durkheim's book 'Suicide' to explain the concept of anomie, focusing on how people react when they struggle to accept profound changes to their worldview, such as election outcomes.

The men who stare at goats
Buy The men who stare at goats by Jon Ronson on Amazon
So apparently, have you seen that movie, The Men Who Stare at Goats? I read the book a long time ago.
The book 'The Men Who Stare at Goats', written by Jon Ronson, is referenced alongside its movie adaptation. It involves discussing psi research topics. Tim Pool or a guest mentions having read the book, showing their knowledge about the subject.