Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: StarTalk Radio

Episode: Astrophysicists Discuss Whether JWST Discovered Alien Exoplanets

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

Alien Earths Cover

Alien Earths

by Lisa Kaltenegger

Buy on Amazon
"Did you put all that in your book? Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos! Ooh!"
Billions and billions Cover

Billions and billions

by Carl Sagan

Buy on Amazon
"You did say billions and billions; the man wrote a book called 'Billions and Billions.' After everybody kept saying it, and then he went on to the show, right, and said 'Okay, now I say it officially.' So do you know who first said 'billions and billions'?"