Books Mentioned in This Episode

Podcast: SmartLess

Episode: 10/25/21: An Interview with Tom Hanks | SmartLess w/ Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, Will Arnett

Here’s a list of all the books mentioned in this episode, complete with an Amazon buy link and quotes from the episode.

The Day of the Djinn Warriors Cover

The Day of the Djinn Warriors

by Philip Kerr

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"I noticed recently I was reading the tenth book in the uh in the gunter uh, what's his name series by Philip Kerr and I noticed your name on the back."
Prussian Blue Cover

Prussian Blue

by Philip Kerr

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"You gave a little um, a blurb for the back of uh, for the jacket of Prussian blue which I'm almost finished with. Oh that's a great one, it's a great one, right?"
Prussian Blue Cover

Prussian Blue

by Philip Kerr

Buy on Amazon
"I'm fully like I said, I just started at the beginning of the summer and I'm on book 10, Prussian blue, right?"