Worth of Water
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyMatt and Gary, thank you so much for being here, and I know today we're talking about your book, The Worth of Water: Our Story of Chasing Solutions to the World's Greatest Challenge.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyTo me, what's been important about this journey, which we chronicle in the book, is that you have to have that end goal in mind.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyThat's the journey, and it's one of the subplots of the book, emphasizing that any of these seemingly intractable social problems do have solutions–if you're tenacious, if you innovate, and if you work hard at it, you can believe we can get there.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyWhen Gary and I met in 2008, we discussed in the book how Gary led with all of his failures; that was incredibly attractive to me because I think we can't be afraid of failure.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyThe book really brings to light the stories of these women because over 90 percent of our borrowers are women.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyThat's what we're trying to help people unlock, and those are the stories we're fortunate to tell in the book.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyOf course, I highly recommend everyone grab a copy of the book, 'The Worth of Water: Our Story of Chasing Solutions to the World's Greatest Challenge.'
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAs authors, Matt and I are donating all of our fees back to Water.org for the book, so every time somebody buys the book, they are helping people get access to safe water.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyIf the book moves you, take it to your book club and spread the word that way; pass it on to someone else.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAnd yes, our money from the book goes towards that.
- Episode: How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAgain, I highly recommend everyone grab the book; as you said, all proceeds from the book go towards all the amazing work.