Up All Night
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: The Realignment Ep. 80: Lisa Napoli on CNN, Ted Turner, and the Future of Cable News
Podcast: The RealignmentSo we are here to talk about your book, Up All Night: Ted Turner, CNN, and the Birth of 24-Hour News. But a good place to start would be your thoughts on the future.
- Episode: The Realignment Ep. 80: Lisa Napoli on CNN, Ted Turner, and the Future of Cable News
Podcast: The RealignmentIt almost didn't happen, which is a big part of the story that I write in the book, that it almost didn't happen. So many things went wrong; finally, it got up.
- Episode: The Realignment Ep. 80: Lisa Napoli on CNN, Ted Turner, and the Future of Cable News
Podcast: The RealignmentLisa, this has been such an incredible episode; I want to make sure that people know about the book 'Up All Night.' They can find it on Amazon.