The Sexual Politics of Meat
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Part Two: The Dr. Laura Episodes | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsActually, a lot of what I was thinking throughout this episode had to do with an interview on a recent episode with Carol J. Adams, author of The Sexual Politics of Meat, who was harassed and doxxed for weeks and like an entire summer by Rush Limbaugh back in the day and then went on to be harassed and doxxed by Jordan Peterson's fans just a couple of years ago.
- Episode: Part One: The Dr. Laura Episodes | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsI was recently talking to a feminist vegan named Carol Adams, who's awesome; she wrote this book called The Sexual Politics of Meat. So I'm sure she would love the pig anus discussion we just had.