Podcasts that mention πŸ“š The Guinness book of world records, 1998. by Mark C. Young

The Guinness book of world records, 1998. Cover

The Guinness book of world records, 1998.

by Mark C. Young

Mentioned 1 times in 1 episodes across 1 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention The Guinness book of world records, 1998. by Mark C. Young

Stuff You Should Know

Stuff You Should Know episodes that mention The Guinness book of world records, 1998. by Mark C. Young

Episode: The Guinness Book of Records | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Published on May 31, 2024

They own Peterbilt, they own the Great Wolf Lodges, they own Associated Grocers, they own everything including the Guinness Book of World Records, as well as Ripley Entertainment! And so over time they've kind of added to what the Guinness World Records does, it's the reason one of the reasons why you don't say the Guinness Book of World Records is because they definitely expanded beyond the book now!

The hosts discuss how the Jim Pattison Group owns the Guinness Book of World Records along with various other enterprises, noting that the organization's role has evolved beyond merely publishing the book.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt @ 00:17:43

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