Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: UPDATE: Sendhil Mullainathan Thinks Messing Around Is the Best Use of Your Time | People I...
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireI give an example: there's this great book by Leidy Klotz; it's called 'Subtract.' It just came out; it's awesome!
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireLeidy summarizes his research ideas in a new book called "Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less."
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireNow, being totally honest, when I first saw Leidy's book, I dismissed it as schlock—one of the hundreds of mediocre pop science books published every year.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireBut my friend Sandal Mullainathan, who you might remember from two previous episodes of this podcast, said, "No, Leidy's book is different.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireSo I gave" Subtract" a second chance and I realized, yes, there actually is something here.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireNow, you've written a book called "Subtract" and you've done a ton of academic research on the topic.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireI tell the story in the book, but he was basically sitting there thinking about how to lighten the drivetrain and then he's like, "What if I just take the whole thing away?"
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireI also dislike many of the other examples in his book, but I give Leidy credit for good taste in this discussion.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireThe one I use in my book is actually less lofty; it's more just about my own house.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireIn a subtle way, the message I took away from your book is that don't let the fact that everybody else is additive trick you into being additive too.
- Episode: Leidy Klotz on Why the Best Solutions Involve Less— Not More | People I (Mostly) Admire | Episode 45
Podcast: People I (Mostly) AdmireOne of the examples I use in the book is San Francisco's Embarcadero Freeway.