Shattered assumptions
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Trauma and the Demolition of Faith | Ronnie Janoff-Bulman | EP 449
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastShe's a social psychologist and the author of two books; one from about 30 years ago called 'Shattered Assumptions' and the other called 'The Two Moralitities: The Origin and Fall of Right and Left Politics.' Why did I want to talk to Dr. Janoff-Bulman?
- Episode: Trauma and the Demolition of Faith | Ronnie Janoff-Bulman | EP 449
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastSo I'm interested in your two major works. I want to talk to you about 'Shattered Assumptions' and I want to talk to you about the political divide.
- Episode: Trauma and the Demolition of Faith | Ronnie Janoff-Bulman | EP 449
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastI think we'll start with 'Shattered Assumptions.' So, why don't you start by letting everybody who's watching and listening know what you meant when you discussed shattered assumptions and why you felt that was a reasonable way of approaching the problem of traumatic injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.