Podcasts that mention πŸ“š Setting the Desert on Fire by James Barr

Setting the Desert on Fire Cover

Setting the Desert on Fire

by James Barr

Mentioned 1 times in 1 episodes across 1 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention Setting the Desert on Fire by James Barr

Behind the Bastards

Behind the Bastards episodes that mention Setting the Desert on Fire by James Barr

Episode: Part One: How Lawrence of Arabia Invented Modern War | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Published on November 13, 2024

I want to quote now from a book called Setting the Desert on Fire by James Barr. At the Times Valette, Cho believed that the Sultan's power as Khalif gave him a disturbing and disruptive political influence worldwide.

The host mentions 'Setting the Desert on Fire' by James Barr, indicating it as a source they're quoting regarding T.E. Lawrence and the political influence of the Sultan's power as Khalif.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt @ 00:51:47

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