Raw Dog
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Part Three: The Finders: CIA Child Trafficking Cult or Just Normal Cult? | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsUh, you can—what else can you do? You can buy my book, Raw Dog, which is about hot dogs!
- Episode: Part One: The Finders: CIA Child Trafficking Cult or Just Normal Cult? | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsYou are also the author of the bestselling book Raw Dog. You are a co-host of The Beal Cast and you are the future host...
- Episode: Part Three: The Andrew Tate Story | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Podcast: Behind the BastardsOkay, I wanna plug two books that are available for pre-order right now. The first of which is Jamie Loftus's book about hot dogs, called Raw Dog, and it's available for pre-order. Go to her social media for all that info.