Mentioned In Podcasts – Book details


Author: Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein

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Mentions in Episodes:

  • Episode: Do People Pay Attention to Signs? | No Stupid Questions | Episode 116
    Podcast: No Stupid Questions

    One of the most famous examples from the book Nudge by Thaler and Sunstein was about putting an image of a fly, a housefly, on a urinal in the airport. I think it was the airport in Amsterdam. Thaler and Sunstein didn't come up with this; they just thought it was a great example of the nudge framework, which is if you're a guy standing there ready to pee, rather than peeing on the wall or on the floor, which men sometimes do, if there's a fly, oh, it's a game, I have a target, I'm gonna pee on the fly!