Not My First Rodeo
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Jen Psaki Caught Lying About Biden, and Michael Cohen Celebrated by Media, with Ruthless Podcast
Podcast: The Megyn Kelly ShowShe put it in her book, which she then read in audio form, and this is the same person who a week ago was out there lambasting Kristi Noem for lying in her book. At least she just lied about a dumb meeting with a world leader.
- Episode: How One State Avoided Lockdowns & Is Saving Girls' Sports | Kristi Noem | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Podcast: The Rubin ReportSo I want to dive into a bit about the book and some of the hot topics of the day and a bunch more.
- Episode: How One State Avoided Lockdowns & Is Saving Girls' Sports | Kristi Noem | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Podcast: The Rubin ReportIn the book, you go into your history, your childhood, and really how it sets up a lot of your political beliefs.
- Episode: How One State Avoided Lockdowns & Is Saving Girls' Sports | Kristi Noem | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Podcast: The Rubin ReportMany people would look at me writing a book and think it's a book about politics, but it's really not.
- Episode: How One State Avoided Lockdowns & Is Saving Girls' Sports | Kristi Noem | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Podcast: The Rubin ReportMany of the stories in the book are about working with cattle, hunting trips, or lessons learned from my mom and dad.