Living Your Dying
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Ari Wallach: Create Your Ideal Future Using Science-Based Protocols
Podcast: Huberman LabIn 1972, Ernest Becker wrote a book, which you'll know all about, the book based on the title called The Denial of Death; he won the Pulitzer Prize for it. And Becker's contention was that we are the only species that at a very early age recognizes that we are only here for a short period of time, but more than anything, at one point in time we will die; we will cease to exist.
- Episode: 564. How to Succeed at Failing, Part 4: Extreme Resiliency | Freakonomics Radio
Podcast: Freakonomics RadioI really think I’m an intellectual granddaughter of Ernest Becker, who famously wrote 'The Denial of Death.'