Podcasts that mention πŸ“š Living Your Dying by Stanley Keleman

Living Your Dying Cover

Living Your Dying

by Stanley Keleman

Mentioned 2 times in 2 episodes across 2 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention Living Your Dying by Stanley Keleman

Freakonomics Radio

Freakonomics Radio episodes that mention Living Your Dying by Stanley Keleman

Episode: 564. How to Succeed at Failing, Part 4: Extreme Resiliency | Freakonomics Radio

Published on November 3, 2023

I really think I’m an intellectual granddaughter of Ernest Becker, who famously wrote 'The Denial of Death.'

In this segment, the podcast host refers to the book 'The Denial of Death' by Ernest Becker, highlighting how the speaker's perspectives on embracing failure are shaped by the ideas presented in the book.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt @ 00:39:01

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Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab episodes that mention Living Your Dying by Stanley Keleman

Episode: Ari Wallach: Create Your Ideal Future Using Science-Based Protocols

Published on October 14, 2024

In 1972, Ernest Becker wrote a book, which you'll know all about, the book based on the title called The Denial of Death; he won the Pulitzer Prize for it. And Becker's contention was that we are the only species that at a very early age recognizes that we are only here for a short period of time, but more than anything, at one point in time we will die; we will cease to exist.

Ari Wallach discusses the book 'The Denial of Death' by Ernest Becker, highlighting Becker's argument that human awareness of mortality drives us to create culture as a means to cope with the fear of death. This is mentioned within the broader context of contemplating actions and thoughts concerning the distant future.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt @ 01:30:57

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If you’d like to explore more in Living Your Dying, you can purchase it here:

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