Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyHe is the foremost brain coach, an incredible author, and an amazing podcaster. My dear friend, Jim Kwik, the author of 'Limitless.'
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyMy dear friend, Jim Kwik, the author of 'Limitless.' If you don't have this book, it's a phenomenal read, and I highly recommend it.
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyWhen I hear those kinds of limitations, especially since we’re discussing 'Limitless' and limitations, my mind goes to how these restrictions often come from the fact that something hasn't been done before.
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAlso, it's such a phenomenal framework; it's such a fantastic framework, and I know it's in the book 'Limitless.'
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyAnd uh, I want to make sure that everyone goes out and grabs a copy, if you don't already, of 'Limitless' by Jim Quick.
- Episode: If You Feel LAZY, LOST & UNMOTIVATED, Watch This To CHANGE EVERYTHING In 2023 | Jim Kwik
Podcast: On Purpose with Jay ShettyThe 3M model is in this book and broken down step by step, as you saw and heard.