Letter to the American Church
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastWe discuss his most recent book, A Letter to the American Church, which argues that it's a betrayal of faith to stay silent in the face of tyranny.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastSo you recently wrote A Letter to the American Church.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastThis most recent book, which is my shortest book, A Letter to the American Church, is the first time I have ever written something specifically only for those who claim to be Christians.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastI don't know how some people will take this, but I've never felt that God called me to write something the way He did this book.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastYou know, if you think of the title A Letter to the American Church, it would be natural to think what kind of hubris are we talking about here, that somebody would dare to write a letter to the American church as though he's a modern-day Paul or something like that.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastI don't mean this in any mystical sense, but I was very sober-minded about writing something with the title A Letter to the American Church.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastIt was impossible for me to avoid the thought that just as the silence of the church in Germany opened the door to hell on Earth, which we now know because we know what happened, and of course, I documented it in my Bonhoeffer book and in this new booklet to the American church.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastBut the thesis of this book, A Letter to the American Church, is that precisely as the German church was silent, and precisely as that opened the door to hell to every kind of evil, it is the silence of the church in America now that is similarly opening the door to hellish things on a number of fronts.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastThe only time I felt something more palpable of God's inspiration was in writing A Letter to the American Church.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastBut as I say, it kind of became pointed with A Letter to the American Church because of the seriousness of what I was writing.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastAnd that's why in A Letter to the American Church, I'm writing specifically to those people, Christians who claim to believe in the God of the Bible, to believe that Jesus defeated death on the cross.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastOne of the theses of my book, A Letter to the American Church, is that just as the German church drifted tragically in its conception of what is faith, so too the American church has drifted.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastIn the course of writing my new book, the shortest book, 'Letter to the American Church,' I came to the conclusion that as horrific as it is to think about what the silence of the German church led to, the silence of the American church now, if we do not repent and begin to speak out boldly against every one of these things, the result will be worse, even if possible, than what happened in the Holocaust.
- Episode: Listen and Weep | Eric Metaxas | EP 371
Podcast: The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastBut I'm talking in this last book, Letter to the American Church, specifically to those who already claim to believe this, and I say, listen, if you believe this, you're on the hook for actually leading the way in showing people what courage looks like, in showing people that no, there is this thing called truth, and we are made to speak truth and to act truth.