Hard Kick in the Nuts
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Surviving the Laws of Physics with Steve-O
Podcast: StarTalk RadioYou've got a new book out; let me get the title of this book because it's right here. It is A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I've Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions.
- Episode: Surviving the Laws of Physics with Steve-O
Podcast: StarTalk RadioStarTalk, Cosmic Queries Edition; I've got Steve-O right here with us who is a beloved participant in the Jackass franchise from the beginning, and he's got a new book with the best title ever: A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I've Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions.
- Episode: Surviving the Laws of Physics with Steve-O
Podcast: StarTalk RadioWhat's the subtitle of your book? What I've learned from a lifetime of terrible decisions!
- Episode: Surviving the Laws of Physics with Steve-O
Podcast: StarTalk RadioUm, and that, that's what the book lives on, and remind me the title of it again, it's nothing about getting kicked in the nuts, it's called A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I've Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions.