Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomOne thing that I find interesting about this is the concept of essentialism itself, which includes an idea known as the paradox of success.
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomHowever, assuming that the individuals who invest in personal development and read books like yours have a goal of achieving a certain level of success, it’s essential to future-proof yourself.
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomSome of these moments are a bit strange, but humbling, too, because I can feel that every year, essentialism connects with more people than the year before.
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomIn the last ten years since I published essentialism, the lead characteristic of the information age was distraction, but the lead characteristic of this new era is disorientation.
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomIt seems that your book, published ten years ago, has become increasingly relevant over time, almost like a weather reporter or the Mayan calendar of sorts.
- Episode: How To Focus On What Matters Most - Greg McKeown
Podcast: Modern WisdomMoreover, I call this the 90% Rule in essentialism, focusing only on things that are 90% important or more.
- Episode: Turn the Tables | Ryan Holiday Reflects on 10 Years of The Obstacle Is the Way
Podcast: The Daily StoicAnd he, he sort of went out of his way to—I forget which book it was—but you did a similar thing where it was a story about you.
- Episode: 449 | Rubber Ducks and Systems for Land Investing
Podcast: ChooseFII love Essentialism by Greg McKeown. It's like a yearly read for me, right?