Bury the Chains
Mentions in Episodes:
- Episode: Joe Rogan Experience #2076 - Tristan Harris & Aza Razkin
Podcast: The Joe Rogan ExperienceTo conclude the slavery story, in the book 'Bury the Chains' by Adam Hochschild, the UK consciously and voluntarily sacrificed 2% of its GDP every year for 60 years to wean itself off slavery without a civil war.
- Episode: Why everything is F*cked | Mark Manson
Podcast: The Daily StoicAfter that, he wonders if he could be the person who changes this. Adam Hochschild has an amazing book on this called 'Bury the Chain.'
- Episode: Theodore Roosevelt's Great-Great Grandson Kermit Roosevelt III On The Collapse Of Honor
Podcast: The Daily StoicAs he's riding away, Adam Hild writes about this in 'Bury the Chains', but he has this sort of Road to Damascus moment on the road.