Podcasts that mention πŸ“š Aesop's Fables by Aesop

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Aesop's Fables

by Aesop

Mentioned 1 times in 1 episodes across 1 podcasts.

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Podcasts that mention Aesop's Fables by Aesop

The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic episodes that mention Aesop's Fables by Aesop

Episode: Thomas Chatterton Williams on Practical Philosophy and Embracing Contradiction

Published on September 20, 2022

So he took money that in retrospect I realized he didn't always have, and he paid us handsomely, for our age, to sit and study and to read Aesop's Fables when we were really young and then to get on to more sophisticated things later.

In this segment, Thomas Chatterton Williams recounts how his father incentivized him and his siblings to read by paying them. One of the earliest books he engaged with in this way was 'Aesop's Fables', which laid the foundation for their later exploration of more complex literature.

β–Ί Watch this excerpt @ 00:02:01

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